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Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features

Improving productivity is a never-ending mission for most business owners and managers.

Whether it’s speeding up tasks or improving communication, every little helps. So it’s crucial to make the most of the tools you already have.

And while you might think of your web browser as just a means to access the internet, it can be so much more than that. Especially if you use Microsoft Edge in Windows 11. It has loads of features that can help supercharge your productivity.

Here are five of our favorites.

1. Split Screen for multitasking
Multitasking is a skill every business owner needs, and Microsoft Edge’s split screen feature makes it easier than ever. Whether you’re comparing web pages, researching multiple topics, or simply keeping an eye on different sites simultaneously, split screen lets you view two pages side-by-side within the same tab. It’s like having two windows open at once, but without the clutter.

2. Vertical Tabs for streamlined navigation
Too many tabs? Yeah… we understand that. Microsoft Edge’s vertical tabs offer a fresh perspective on tab management. By stacking tabs vertically along the side of the browser window, you can easily navigate between open tabs and access essential controls like close and mute.

3. Workspaces for seamless collaboration
Collaboration is key in any business, and Microsoft Edge’s Workspaces feature makes it easier than ever to work well with colleagues or clients. Create a workspace with a collection of open tabs, then share it with others via a simple link. It means they can open multiple tabs with one click. It’s perfect for brainstorming sessions, project management, or team presentations.

4. Collections for organized research
Gathering information from the web is a common task. Microsoft Edge’s Collections feature makes this easier, allowing you to easily save and organize text, images, and videos from web pages into custom collections. Stay organized, focused, and productive.

5. Immersive Reader for distraction-free reading

When you need to focus on reading an article or document online, distractions on the page can be a pain. Microsoft Edge’s Immersive Reader feature provides a clutter-free reading experience by removing ads, links, and other interruptions. Customize the text size, spacing, and color scheme to suit your preferences, and even have the content read aloud for hands-free reading.

If your business doesn’t already use Microsoft Edge on Windows 11, this could be the perfect time to switch. Can we help you move over? Get in touch.

Is this the most dangerous phishing scam yet?

Picture this: You’re going about your day, checking your emails, when suddenly you see a message from a company you trust.

You think, “Great! That’s safe to read”. But hold on just one minute… this email is not what it seems.

It’s part of yet another scam created by cyber criminals to trick you into clicking malicious links or giving up sensitive info. It’s called “SubdoMailing,” and it’s as dangerous as it sounds.

What’s the deal?

Just like regular phishing attacks, cyber criminals pretend to be trusted brands.

But here’s how it works: These cyber criminals scour the internet for subdomains of reputable companies. You know those extra bits in a web address that come before the main domain? Such as That ‘experience’ bit is the subdomain.

They find a subdomain that the brand is no longer using and is still pointing to an external domain that’s no longer registered.

Then they buy the domain and set up the scam website.

So, you believe you’re clicking on… but you have no idea it automatically redirects to

The criminals are sending out five million emails a day targeting people in businesses just like yours.

And because these emails are coming from what seems like a legit source, they often sail right past usual security checks and land in your inbox.

Here’s our advice to keep you and your data safe and sound:

  • Be wary of any emails that seem even remotely suspicious. If something looks fishy, it probably is.
  • Before clicking on any links or downloading any attachments, take a moment to verify the sender. Look for red flags like spelling mistakes or unusual email addresses.
  • Make sure your employees understand the latest phishing tactics and know how to spot a scam. A little knowledge goes a long way in keeping your company safe.
  • Consider investing in top-notch security software to keep the cyber criminals at bay. It might seem like an extra expense, but trust us, it’s worth it.

As always, if you need help with this or any other aspect of your email security, get in touch.

Is Wi-Fi 7 worth the investment?

You know that staying ahead of the technology curve is vital for all businesses in a highly competitive marketplace. One innovation launched earlier this year is Wi-Fi 7, the next generation of wireless connection.

But what exactly does it offer, and is it worth the investment for your business?

— Lightning-fast speeds: No more buffering and lagging. Wi-Fi 7 brings blazing-fast speeds to keep your business running smoothly.
— Rock-solid connections: Forget all about dropped calls or lost connections. Wi-Fi 7 ensures reliable performance, even in busy environments.
— Futureproofing: Wi-Fi 7 is built to handle the demands of tomorrow’s tech. It’s future-proofing your business’s internet.
Now, here’s the million-dollar question: Should you upgrade to Wi-Fi 7? Well, it depends. While Wi-Fi 7 offers some awesome benefits, it can be a bit pricey to upgrade.

The initial investment includes the expense of next-gen routers capable of supporting Wi-Fi 7, which can range from hundreds up to thousands. And there may also be ongoing operational costs, especially if you’re leasing routers from internet service providers.

If you’re not ready to dive into Wi-Fi 7 just yet, that’s ok. There are plenty of other ways to improve your business’s existing Wi-Fi. From optimizing your current setup to adding extenders or mesh networks, there are options to fit every budget.

We’re all about making sure you find the perfect tech solutions for your business to keep you and your team happy. If you’d like to go through your options, get in touch.

Before you replace your slow PCs…

You rely on your team to be efficient and productive. But slow and sluggish computers can make it difficult for them to do their work – and could affect you personally too. Which impacts your business’s overall performance.

Before you jump to the (expensive) conclusion that you need to replace your PCs, there are several ways you can increase computer performance on Windows 10 and 11.

Here are just a few…

Restart your computer

Yes, it might be our favorite advice as IT support professionals, but a basic shutdown and restart can work wonders. Restarting your computer clears background processes, applications, and memory data. This often resolves common performance issues, especially if your computer has been running for a while.

Manage startup apps

Many apps register themselves to start automatically with Windows 11, and this can slow down your computer’s startup process. To regain some speed, consider disabling unnecessary startup apps:

— Open Settings
— Click on Apps
— Select the Startup page
— Sort apps by their “Startup impact”
— Turn off the toggle switch for any unnecessary apps
— Restart your computer

This will prevent these apps from launching automatically during startup and save valuable system resources.

Disable restartable apps

Windows 11 has a feature that saves and restarts certain applications when you reboot your computer. While it can be convenient, it may not be ideal for performance. To turn off this feature:

— Open Settings
— Click on Accounts
— Go to the Sign-in options page
— Turn off the “Automatically save my restartable apps and restart them when I sign back in” toggle switch

Disabling this feature can help improve your computer’s speed, especially if you have many applications that you don’t use regularly.

Uninstall unnecessary apps

Unused or unnecessary apps can clutter your system and slow it down. To remove them:

— Open Settings
— Click on Apps
— Select the Installed apps page
— Choose the app you want to uninstall and click the Uninstall option
— Follow the on-screen directions if necessary

By removing apps you don’t need, you’ll free up space and resources for better performance.

Always be cautious about what software you install on your computer. Poorly designed or outdated applications can have a negative impact on performance. Stick to reputable apps (preferably those available in the Microsoft Store) because they have thorough reviews for both security and performance.

Before installing any software, do some online research to check for user experiences and potential issues. Trustworthy sources and well-known companies are your best bet.

Take the time to optimize your existing Windows computers before you consider upgrading your devices. Of course, rather than doing all of this yourself, why not get our team to do it for you. They can check every aspect of your computers and network to look for other hidden problems. Get in touch.

Which ransomware payment option is best? (Hint: none)

Picture this: Your business gets hit by a ransomware attack, and your valuable data is locked away by cyber criminals demanding a huge ransom fee.

You can’t afford to pay it. But there’s a twist – just like those “buy now, pay later” schemes, some ransomware gangs are offering victims payment extension options.

Recent research reveals that ransomware groups are getting creative with their extortion strategies. One group is even offering victims various choices when it comes to their ransom demands. These “choices” include:

Paying to delay the publication of their stolen data, with a standard fee of $10,000… or paying to have their stolen data deleted before it’s made public.

The exact amounts charged are often negotiated with victims, adding a chilling dimension to the whole ordeal.

To increase the pressure on victims, these ransomware groups have added some terrifying features to their web sites. These include countdown timers displaying how much time businesses have before their data is released, view counters, and even tags revealing the victim’s identity and description.

It’s all designed to make victims feel cornered and more likely to give in to the demands.

You might be tempted to pay that ransom to protect your business data. Not so fast. Paying is always a bad idea and here’s why…

Paying doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get your data back or that the cyber criminals won’t demand more money later.

By paying, you’re essentially funding criminal activities, encouraging them to continue their attacks on others.

Paying a ransom might even get you into legal trouble, as some governments have made it illegal to pay cyber criminals.

So, what can you do to safeguard your business from falling victim to ransomware?

  • Ensure you have regular, secure backups of your data. This way, you won’t be at the mercy of cyber criminals.
  • Educate your staff about the risks of ransomware and train them to recognize phishing emails and suspicious links.
  • Invest in robust cyber security software and keep it up to date.
  • Keep your systems and software updated with the latest security patches.
  • Segment your network to limit the spread of ransomware if one device gets infected.
  • Develop a clear incident response plan, so you know exactly what to do if you’re ever hit by a ransomware attack.

Paying cyber criminals rarely makes things better, and we’re seeing businesses that do pay become targets time and time again. Instead, invest in the proactive measures above to help you stay secure. And if we can help you with that, get in touch.

Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

You might think that cyber criminals are only interested in large companies or those with huge financial assets. After all, that’s where the big bucks are, right?

Think again.

Recent reports have shown that cyber criminals are casting their nets wide, targeting businesses of all sizes, from mom-and-pop stores to global enterprises. And they’re doing it with the help of something called “botnets.”

You may have heard about the rise of malicious botnets, and you’re probably wondering, “what on earth is a botnet, and why should I care?” Botnets are the secret weapons of cyber criminals. They’re armies of compromised devices, all under the control of a single, malicious puppeteer. These can be anything from your computer to your smart refrigerator. Yes, even your refrigerator can be turned into a cyber weapon.

A new report observed “massive spikes” in the activity of these botnets, with over a million devices involved in malicious activities at one point. To put it into perspective, that’s a hundred times the usual levels of botnet activity.

Usually, there are around 10,000 devices doing naughty stuff each day, with 20,000 being the highest number researchers had seen. But in December 2023, things got crazy. The number shot up to 35,144, and two weeks later, it rose even further to 43,194. That’s a lot of compromised devices.

And it didn’t stop there; the researchers saw the biggest spike yet, hitting a whopping 143,957 distinct devices being used at the same time. In fact, on January 5 and 6 there were spikes of more than a million devices!

Why are they doing this? These botnets are being used to scan the internet, searching for weaknesses in websites, servers, and even email systems.

Think of the internet as a fortress with many doors and windows. These cyber criminals are looking for unlocked doors and open windows to sneak in. They focus on specific “ports” that serve as entry points.

What can you do to protect yourself from these cyber threats?

It’s all about strengthening those doors and windows. Here are a few simple steps:

-Keep your software, operating systems, and applications up-to-date. Regular updates often fix vulnerabilities.
-Install a good firewall and reliable antivirus software to protect your devices.
-Educate your employees about cyber security best practices, such as avoiding suspicious links and emails.
-Enforce strong, unique passwords for all your accounts and devices.
-Regularly back up your data to prevent loss in case of a cyber attack.
-Keep an eye on your network for any unusual activity.
-Consider hiring a cyber security expert (that’s us) to assess and enhance your security measures.

If we can help you keep your business better protected, get in touch.

Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update

Microsoft is soon going to release its latest update for Windows 11, known as “Moment 5” or the “February 24 Moment.” This update is expected to start rolling out in the next few weeks and it comes with some noteworthy changes that you’ll want to keep an eye on.

But first, let’s address one thing: After this update, Microsoft is going back to its roots with annual updates for Windows 11.

What does that mean for you? Well, it means you can expect more stability and fewer major overhauls to your operating system. It’s time to bid farewell to those frequent “moment” updates and embrace a more predictable schedule.

Now, let’s dive into what Moment 5 has in store for us…

One of the standout features of this update is the enhancement of Windows 11’s built-in accessibility features. Microsoft is improving the user experience for those who rely on these.

Voice Access now supports multiple monitors and additional languages. It introduces “voice shortcuts” for custom voice-activated commands. Narrator gains the ability to preview new natural voices and works alongside voice access for various tasks.

One notable change is the ability to write directly into text boxes using a stylus across the operating system. This feature streamlines the use of digital pens, eliminating the need for a dedicated handwriting panel.

For the first time ever, Microsoft is making some in-box apps uninstallable. Apps like Edge, Camera, and Photos can be removed if you don’t intend to use them.

Microsoft is also making the Windows Search pane more flexible. This update allows third-party search providers like Google or Yahoo to create plugins for the Windows Search pane. So, if you prefer another search engine over Bing (and let’s face it, many of us do), you’ll have the option to switch.

The Nearby Share feature (it’s like Apple’s AirDrop) gets a boost with “friendly name” support. You can give your PC a more readable name, making file sharing more user-friendly. Additionally, Windows Spotlight, which displays Bing’s background of the day, will become the default wallpaper setting.

Copilot is getting better. It can now be “undocked,” making it more versatile and accessible. You’ll also find the Copilot interface in the Windows ALT+TAB menu for quick and easy access.

And Microsoft is making changes to the Widgets Board. You’ll be able to disable Microsoft News integration, allowing for a widget-only layout if you prefer not to have news headlines in your Widgets Board. Plus, third-party news services can build plugins to integrate with the Widgets Board, providing more options for users.

Notepad will include a character count feature and an “Edit with Notepad” shortcut in context menus for select file types.

In a nutshell, Moment 5 brings a host of improvements and enhancements to Windows 11, making it more accessible, user-friendly, and versatile.

For business owners, these updates can improve productivity and streamline workflows for you and your team. If you haven’t already made the move to Windows 11, now’s the time! We can help you with that – get in touch.

Microsoft wants you to pay for updates

Microsoft has announced that starting on October 14, 2025, they will no longer provide free support and security updates for Windows 10.

While the idea of paying for updates might raise some eyebrows, let’s put this into perspective. By 2025, Windows 10 will be a decade old, and Microsoft is likely to have introduced Windows 12. And as we know, Windows 11 is available today.

Supporting multiple old operating systems can be quite a handful, even for a tech giant like Microsoft.

2025 may seem like a way off, but it’s a good idea to start weighing up your options now. Here they are:

Option 1: Upgrade to Windows 11

Microsoft’s preferred option is for you to switch to Windows 11. It’s got some fantastic features and free updates until its end of life.

Option 2: Stick with Windows 10 and pay

You can choose to stay with Windows 10, but you’ll need to pay for security updates (no new features, though). The exact cost isn’t known yet. It’ll likely be a subscription for monthly updates.

Option 3: Stick with Windows 10 and don’t update it

Sure, you can continue using Windows 10 without paying, but this isn’t advisable. Without updates, your business’s PCs will become vulnerable to threats and security issues. And without Microsoft’s support to fix problems, even tech experts like us have nowhere to go for help. Please don’t take this option!

You’ve got until October 2025 to decide, so there’s no rush. But if you want your business to thrive this year, we’d highly recommend upgrading to Windows 11 sooner than later. You’ll immediately benefit from some features that could improve your processes and make your team’s jobs easier.

If you’re considering the move to Windows 11, or exploring other options, we’re here to help make the transition smooth and hassle-free. Get in touch.

Are you ready for next-gen email security? (YES!)

Google has unleashed a powerful new tool to make your Gmail inbox a safer and spam-free haven, and it’s called RETVec.

But what exactly is RETVec?

Well, let’s break it down in simple terms. RETVec stands for Resilient and Efficient Text Vectorizer. Fancy. In plain English, it’s a tool that makes Gmail even better at spotting annoying spam emails that try to sneak into your inbox.

Did you know that the people behind spam emails can be very smart to try to avoid detection? Some use invisible characters, something called LEET substitution (like “3xpl4in3d” instead of “explained”), and intentional typos to get past our defenses. But RETVec is trained to be resilient against all these tricks.

Google explains it as mapping words or phrases to real numbers and then using these numbers for further analysis, predictions, and figuring out word similarities. In short, it’s like giving Gmail a supercharged spam radar.

How does this benefit you? Gmail’s spam detection rate shot up by an impressive 38% with RETVec on the scene. Plus, Gmail’s false positive rate dropped by nearly a fifth (that’s 19.4% fewer false alarms).

I know that some of you might be wondering if there’s a catch. Well, there’s a tiny caveat you should be aware of, especially if your business sends promotional emails.

With RETVec’s increased vigilance, some legitimate emails might get caught in the crossfire. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on your email analytics to ensure your messages reach their intended recipients.

RETVec isn’t just about better security. It’s more efficient too. Google reports that the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) usage of the model dropped by a whopping 83%. Smaller models mean reduced computational costs and faster delivery, which is a game-changer for large-scale applications and on-device models. So, it’s a win-win situation.

Spam is a go-to weapon for cyber criminals and now RETVec can help keep us better protected. It blocks malicious emails, keeping our data safe and our inboxes clutter-free.

If you don’t use Gmail, don’t feel too left out. It’s likely we’ll see other email providers including Microsoft bringing similar protection in the future.

In the meantime, if you’d like us to review your business’s email security, get in touch.

You’re not imagining it, video calls ARE stressful

You know that feeling when you’ve spent way too much time in virtual meetings, and you’d trade your favorite coffee mug for some real face-to-face interaction? That’s called Zoom fatigue.

It turns out there’s scientific evidence to back up what we’ve all been feeling.

Recently, researchers from Austrian universities decided to take a closer look at the impact of video conferencing on our bodies and minds. They strapped participants with EEG and EKG monitors and went to town with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and similar platforms.

The results were eye-opening.

Brain signal frequency, as measured by EEG, showed a noticeable increase in higher-level frequencies associated with concentration, attention, and stress during online meetings compared to in-person encounters. So, it’s not just your imagination – those video calls are really making you work extra hard to stay focused.

Additionally, the study revealed changes in heart rate variability, indicating ongoing signs of fatigue throughout the course of an online meeting.

Before you swear off video meetings forever, it’s essential to consider the study’s context. The participants were university students, not corporate warriors, and the study was conducted on-campus, not from cozy home offices. So, there might be some variations based on age and environment.

However, the key takeaway is that communicating face-to-face versus through a screen can have a significant impact on the human body. So, even if you’re not a 24-year-old student on a college campus, video conferencing fatigue is a real thing.

What can businesses do if they want to keep the benefits of video conferencing without driving their employees up the virtual wall?

Consider using collaboration tools like Teams, Slack, or even good old-fashioned email to reduce the need for real-time video meetings. Give your team the flexibility to respond when it suits them best.

If possible, schedule in-person meetings when it’s safe and practical to do so. Nothing beats the personal touch of a face-to-face conversation, and it’s a refreshing break from the virtual world.

The simplest solution can often be the most effective. Have an open conversation with your employees about their preferences for communication. Some may thrive in video meetings, while others may prefer written updates or phone calls.

When you do schedule video meetings, keep them short and sweet. Avoid back-to-back calls and allow time for breaks between meetings to prevent burnout.

The message is clear: don’t throw out your webcam just yet. Instead, take a step back, assess your communication methods, and find the right mix that keeps your team engaged and energized.

Can we help you find the tech tools to keep your people productive and engaged? Get in touch.